"5/5 and 10/10,"...
when you look that term up in the dictionary, you'll see this picture. Goes over the whole color range and just well done. Thumbs up and rock on!!!
"5/5 and 10/10,"...
when you look that term up in the dictionary, you'll see this picture. Goes over the whole color range and just well done. Thumbs up and rock on!!!
Current statistics: 5.10/5. 0_0 (I just fucking shat bricks)
A dragon so fucking epic, it defies the logic and reason of even Newgrounds. With his possesed eyes, intimidating exterior and awesome aura, he crumbles your reality abd EATS YOUR SOUL!!!!
This is superior work. I advise you to keep using this program, not because of it's capabilities (no no), but rather because of YOUR capabilities with the program. The best program $ can buy wouldn't help a wonderful artist who doesn't know what they are doing. You, however, DO know what you're doing. Keep it up. This just rocks!!!
Man, my ass really hurts from shitting bricks.
Then stop eating ceramic material if your ass can't handle bricks :)
Thanks for the kind words.
Yum yum...
...and that was my daily arousal, thank you. No, jk :P
Seriously, no one draws women like you do. Always proportioned in a nice, yet realistic way. Your shading is expert. And, to be quite blatant about it, you're just damn good at making sexy chicks. Let's face it, you just make newgrounds a happier place. Thanks for this and keep it up!
Bright vibrant colors...
...that just seems to be your thing. And you have a tendency towards magenta's, pinks, yellows and blues. Would these happen to be your favorite colors? They recur a lot in your work.
Anyways, nice drawing. Good opening for the new year. Everything's done with a clean vibrant feel and texture that you do well. Have you considered advertising? Art work like this could be greatly applied to that field. My only complaint is that her arms look bruised due to how you shaded them. Was that what you were going for? If not, it wouldn't have detracted from how good this looks. 5/5 and 10/10.
AWESOME! (yeah, I went there :D)
Breaking broccoli bricks that brood broad, bragging brautwursts,
This AWESOME! (there it is again! XD) picture is now in my favorites.
Oh wow...
just SO damn funny! And I've been there to! It's scary and, at the same time a funny experience when it does happen. I'd go into detail about why this gets perfect scores, but it's as simple as this:
Funny? WIN
Good? WIN
Hawt? WIN
True? WIN
Material? WIN
PS: This WIN! now resides in my favorites section :)
Yum yum...
Sexy katana lady. Just yes. Nice solid style once again. And is it me, or did you deliberately color the background to make her pop out? It's a nice effect and the whole reason you got perfect score. Details like this make the difference between good and great drawings. This particular one falls under the latter category.
And the best part is...
...no matter how hard she gets beat, that skirt always stays down! Lol. Couldn't help it. She's got an anti fan-service face on. And it's sorta funny how the bunny looks like a west-side gangsta with the clock and the Glock ( yeah, I am a poet and I know it!) :) Nice, solid style. Keep up the good work.
So close and yet...
She's almost the girl of my dreams. Very good style, took me a bit to take everything in. It's good all around. And let's face it, I just absolutely LOVE extreme women. I wouldn't be the guy to piss her off.
This is great! I hope you keep great stuff like this coming always!
Wait a minute...
M-Bot the game??? Whaaat?!?! That's crazy! I looked, it couldn't be helped. But it looks awesome and I'll play it when it arrives definitely. This looks great. Let me know when it's out please and thank you!
Getting insomnia,
That is impressive! You never fail to disappoint!
This almost gets a ten. If there were some evident battle damage and/or if the dragon was focusing on the task at hand, I would have said this was ten worthy. But it's still great! Keep it up! I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of "To the Top"!
The dilemna of pickles and oranges HAS BEEN SOLVED!!! AND THE ANWER IS...
It's the world that lives in my shadow...not the other way around.
Age 33, Male
Everywhere and nowhere
Joined on 11/24/09